Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Who is the creator/

Today coming home from work I marvelled at the sunset. The sky was scarlet red over the mountains and rose pink towards the south and I admired it and the one who created it. I find this time of the year a blessing, because I'm going to Sumner to work in the morning and often get treated to the most amazing sunrises. It sets my day off to a good start as I reflect on Creator God as I drive along, and of course the sunset today helped me to put aside the day's work and relax and prepare for what was waiting for me on the home front. Mental note to myself: Put the camera in the car so I can take photos and put them on my blog.


Regina Dean said...

Wasn't the sunrise beautiful? It was icy cold here and the sun sparkled on the ice crystals. It was dazzling! I hope the Sumner sunrise was equally sensational.

Accepted as I am said...

Yes. It was beautiful. I had my camera, but my batteries were flat!!