Friday, June 27, 2008

Friday's entry on Saturday

Where did Friday go? I don’t know, but it disappeared so here is Friday’s entry on Saturday.

Yesterday we took some of our students to the Antarctic Centre. It was a great trip and we enjoyed watching the penguins being fed. As I watched them catching the fish and swimming around and listened to the keepers commentary I was struck by how much the keepers loved these penguins. They made sure that all of them had a chance to get some food, including the little blind one. This reminded me of God’s love for us. He really wants to care for us and to see that we get enough to eat both spiritually and physically. Then I began thinking how does God feed us spiritually? He does this through His Word, the Bible. How I need to read this every day, to know what He is saying to me! Through study groups and Sunday church services when the time of praise to Him will often speak – sometimes through the words sung, the message preached, or a word from a fellow believer. Just as those penguins need their keepers, we need our Heavenly Father.

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